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Old March 12th, 2017, 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Parody View Post
I went back to text files as my main adventure development system. How much functionality did I give up?

It's been hurry-up-and-wait for years now and I don't see that changing any time soon. If RW isn't meeting your needs, use something else and (if you're still interested) check back when you can to see how things are going. Nothing wrong with that.
All the functionality that Realm Works has to offer, which I shouldn't have to detail for you. You're obviously familiar with the program.

If you prefer using text files (heck, I know someone who still prefers using pencil and paper), that's fine.

Me, I bought Realm Works for a reason. I wanted a central place to organize my ideas instead of having some ideas in this notebook, some ideas on that napkin, some things in evernote, and other things in Scrivener or one-note.

I wanted my ideas stored somewhere where if I wanted to reference back to a character or a city, I wouldn't have to keep scrolling up and down, or through different files.

I wanted a way to keep track of what I've revealed to my players instead of having to wonder, "wait, did discover this information yet?" or revealing something to them only to have them tell me that I've already told them twice. Or to reveal something that's dependent on something else that I thought I'd told them but had not, and it ends up with me having to awkwardly say, "wait, didn't I tell you that?"

Your mind maybe sharper than mine. These points may be more trivial to you than they are to me. Nonetheless, those are the main features I want, and to have one place I can go for all that and more, I'm happy with it.

If you're not, then you're not, and that's up to you. But to make the statement, as AEIOU did that "I would switch if another product offered me half the functionality", I just can't wrap my head around that.

You, at least, followed through and switched to another format. And if you're happy with that, and if that works for you, I'm not going to presume to tell you to do things any other way than what you're happy with. I just don't understand they hypothetical, because it offers an implied concession that there is nothing else out there that's even half as good.
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