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Old March 12th, 2017, 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by AEIOU View Post
LWD isn't at Comcast levels of stupidity for sure. But if another company offered a product with half the functionality of RW and a reliable timeline, I'd switch in a heartbeat at this point. Feast or famine is what LWD offers....

It would help to rebuild confidence if we knew what was coming, when it was coming, and if not released on time, how big a delay was anticipated.
You would give up half the functionality of RW for a more dependable timeline? I don't understand that. I mean I guess I kinda do if you're just talking out of frustration. I've been there. But when the product was finally released, I had to admit it was almost everything I wanted it to be. The only important feature (from my own personal perspective) that was missing was printing. That wasn't even a planned feature, but when I and others let them know we wanted either that or an export feature so we could print from another application, they listened. It was a long wait, but they still listened and they still did it.

I understand that other people want other features that I don't necessarily need, and I'm not going to presume that they're not important just because I don't need them, but I will say that with everything the product can do right now, I wouldn't give up anything to switch. As far as functions and features, RW is first in its class. Even your own statement is a hypothetical which means that you can't find another product that even does half of what RW does, or you would have already switched by now.

It's tough waiting. Believe me, I know. But the product, even as it stands today, is still best in class. And that's really what's frustrating. We know it's the best out there, but if only it had this feature or that feature. It's so close that we can almost taste it, but the pot still has to stew for a bit longer. And we get so hungry that we're tempted to say, "heck with it, I'll just get a McCrap from the drive-thru." (I still want to know who the marketing genius is that came up with that name, and if they still have a job.) But we know that the McCrap won't taste nearly as good and won't be nearly as satisfying as what we're waiting for. We're just hungry, right. now.

I'm not accusing you or criticizing you, just empathizing. Because I really do know how it feels. But I learned that LWD really does care about their product quality, and I've come to appreciate that. They really do care about their customers, and I've come to appreciate that. And they're as frustrated with the delays as we are, but that takes second place to caring about quality.
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