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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 96

Old March 6th, 2017, 08:27 AM
You've got a great collection of work DLG! Thanks for sharing, I love seeing how creative this group is

I just looked up your friends profile, good stuff! I especially love the Dullstrand piece because of that fantastic fro on the guy pointing and the energy of the image itself

My group plays via a VTT since they all live in different states, except my husband, of course. :P So I tend to use a lot of audio and visuals to add to the experience when I have the time to prep for it, lol. The group really appreciates it though so it does encourage me to make the time. I use a mix of different types of media depending on what the situation calls for to keep it from getting stagnant.

For example, I'll uses rough sketches for things they might have just gotten a glimpse of or that might be beyond a certain distance. 3D landscape photos are great for capturing the atmospheric mood, a collage of shapes, colors, concepts comes in handy to encourage them towards something, and of course drawings and illustrations for characters of importance. Mix in some mood music and a few key sound effects for good fun, makes 'em a happy group If we actually played live, I'd probably even mess with lighting and smells, I really want them to be in the moment, lol!
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