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Old February 22nd, 2017, 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Monteparnas View Post
Not directly, since my doubt, but it says that it stacks with some types of armor.

From OA, page 75:

"Chahar-Aina: This “four mirror armor” can be worn over certain other types of armor to provide an additional armor bonus that stacks with both the foundation armor and any shield worn. A character can wear a chahar-aina effectively over padded, leather, or chain shirt armor. A character needs Armor Proficiency (medium) to wear a chahar-aina without penalty."

"Dastana: These large metal bracers can be worn in addition to some other types of armor to provide an additional armor bonus that stacks with both the foundation armor and any shield worn. A character can wear dastana with padded, leather, or chain shirt armor. A character needs Armor Proficiency (light) to wear dastana without penalty."

I'm more worried about the Chahar-Aina reducing the AC (it certainly shouldn't do so). The stacking with Inertial Armor is indeed my interpretation, though I'm not sure if it should by the rules (badly written rules, on my opinion).
The Githzerai special ability explicitly states that it doesn't stack with other armor bonuses. Both of these armors indicate they stack with armor bonuses from other "foundation" armor. Since Inertial Armor is a special ability and not physical armor, my interpretation is that it doesn't stack.

Chahar-Aina appears to have a script that reduces the AC by the amount of its own AC bonus if it is not legal to wear (such as if the character is wearing full plate or something). This does appear to be a bug. I will see what I can do with it.

Thanks for the report.
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