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Old February 7th, 2017, 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
I've been giving some serious thought to this announcement today. I think LWD is seriously missing the mark.

Yes, they need to sell full packaged adventures for those GM's that desire that. BUT the present fan base of RW is mostly not people who do that. And those GM's are more interested in AP's than in stand alone modules so they aren't going to attract new customers except with Emerald Spire and Razor Coast.

I think they would have been well served to find one or more of the small publishers who make things like this:
(an example only I am not recommending this product)

Which would be an easy conversion to RW and be the sort of low cost "drop in" product many existing users of RW desire.
While I personally agree wholeheartily and am one of the RW users who absolutely prefer small drop-ins to large modules, we shouldn't forget that forums are usually populated by a vocal minority. So we're like a focus feedback group, but we can only guess what their business numbers and surveys are telling LWD.

But yeah, a well populated market with lots of smaller content to choose from whenever you need a place or encounter will certainly look better and generate more revenue in the long run than one with just a handful of big modules.
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