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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Wellington, NZ
Posts: 91

Old February 6th, 2017, 11:08 PM
Im actually really quite upset about this policy
Paizo has adopted a new policy on how they handle adapted print/PDF content for all of their digital partners, including Lone Wolf Development. (Please note this does not affect Hero Lab) Consumers who purchase these packages must first own the PDF of the corresponding Pathfinder content, according to our license with Paizo.
Like many others I spent significant sums on hard copies, and now I have to buy PDF and RW content?!?!? I have been GMing the Reign of Winter AP having bought all 6 hard copy (I love the books - they really are awesome - and so much easier to deal with at the table for now). I now learn that i have to spend $90US on the PDF copies, before buying the RW stuff. Using the same logic as Happydevil 43 from here:, that then means around $67 for the complete AP in Realmworks - so $167USD (which is $NZ227) for an AP that i have already spend $120 on!!! Never mind the fact that I also purchased new hard copies of: CRB, APG, Bestiary 1-4, Game Mastery Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Campaign, Advanced Class Guide, Mythic Adventures, Pathfinder Unchained, Occult Adventures.

To say I am gutted is an understatement - I am horrified and very very very cross. I almost feel betrayed as I have always supported Paizo by buying hardcopies of just about everything!

I read the link that NeoEvaX posted in another discussion (, and understand all the arguments, but living in NZ, the shipping costs were prohibitive (i did once ask Paizo), so the subscription was just not viable.

I can only hope that Paizo will rethink this policy as it makes buying anything in RW prohibitively expensive for me, and possibly others.

Apologies for the rant but having looked forward to the Content Market for so long I am massively dissapointed that I seemingly will be unable to actually buy anything and support the great work that Lone Wolf (and Paizo) have done.
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