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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 99

Old February 2nd, 2017, 10:53 PM
'A shared data repository would be awesome. Is there anything like this already?'
Not to my knowledge.

If nothing else we need to get a shared google drive or something like that.

I think we need to agree to use good naming convention on the NPCs.
Archetypes and race are good things to include in the title of the NPC.

Omae for Chummer is awesome. A searchable data base of NPCs is really useful.
We might want to also do PDFs of the NPCs for when someone doesn't have all of the Herolab shadowrun content.

I should have a nice collection of Spikes Troll Go Gangers. I have Prospects, Patched members, and Chromed Patched members. Plus a few heavy hitters for special occasions like a Spike Fighting adept and a Spike Combat Biker rigger.
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