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Old January 19th, 2017, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkyRPG View Post
These are some valid issues you raise. To be honest, as much as I love Realm Works, it's still not a complete solution for me (yet). Consequently, my work flow (prep, world building, etc.) looks like this:

Scrivener = World building, writing, backstories, all writing pre-realm works. RW doesn't have solid editing and error correction or printing, etc. Therefore, my base copy of my RW realm exists here. I consider this my development environment. I develop and print all campaign guides, lore sheets, cheat sheets from here.

Realm Works = Once I'm through with development and my content is ready for prime-time, I "deploy" from my scrivener project to Realm Works. I use realm works as my live game tool. I don't want to look in books or any other source, everything to run my games exists here.

VTT. I have a custom built game table with a recessed 46inch flatscreen in the center and I run all of my maps and content on the tv screen in the game table. I use various 3rd party apps to project my maps as RW is still maturing in this area.

Obsidian Portal. Campaign Notes, Session Notes, Revealed Lore, World Atlas. This is the "group" for my campaigns. All of the players at my table go here. This is our Campaign Bible, Lexicon, etc. We tried the player view and client versions of RW. Players didn't like that and wanted a more web-centric way of accessing our campaign.

My point is, rather than work hard to find a way to make RW do everything I want, I love it and use it for what it does right now and then look for other tools that handle the other components of my development work flow and live games.
Sure. I love Scrivener. I've got a lot of stuff there. Stories I've written. Campaign ideas. I've done some project tracking with it, and a few other things. It's great. I'm not saying there's any one, right way to do things. I'm saying it's great to have options.

What happens with me is that I'll put some things in Evernote or some things in Scrivener or some things in One Note, or I'll write some things in a notebook (paper). Then I start losing track of where I put what. The fewer places I put things, the easier it becomes to keep track of them.

I'm not saying everyone has to do things my way. I'm just saying here's an option. If you want it, you're welcome to it. If it's not your thing, no worries. :-)
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