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Old January 16th, 2017, 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Strategon View Post
Possibly, but IP holders general don't give the medium of transmission (Realm Works) a carte blanche license to redistribute their property without protecting it. Not to say that they aren't working out special agreements to do so, it's just not a conventional practice.

As Rob stated earlier, I have -0- knowledge of what agreements LW has obtained to redistribute IP; only mentioned it because it FG went through a lot of work to obtain their licensing for WOTC products and there are lots of stipulations, including not allowing any of the content to be altered in any way.
RW is taking steps to protect content producers IP. That's why when you export material you can password protect it.

However nothing in IP law says that a purchaser cannot do whatever they want with their personal copy of something as long as they don't try to sell it as their own product.

You wouldn't suggest that people playing 5e using home brew rules are somehow violating WotC's IP would you?

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