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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 39

Old January 16th, 2017, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the rebuke Rob, while I am not intentionally attempting to spread misinformation, If I am misinformed I completely own that. So, if I purchase content and import it into a realm, can I click edit and edit said purchased information? Here is the article where I derived my assumption:

"With the Realm Works Content Market, users will be able to do just that! Find a character, a random monster, a tavern, a city or a whole adventure – then drop it in and go! More importantly, once you’ve dropped ready-made content into your world, you are free to modify it however you choose for your game. Don’t like a name? Change it. Need to replace an NPC with someone important in your existing world? Swap it in. Do a new location need to be properly integrated into your campaign? Revise it and hook it up as you deem appropriate. Never before have GMs been able to seamlessly weave external content into their own worlds like this."

If you manage to convince content creators to put their IP in RW content market, with a permission to alter any of their copy written content to suite the whims of the purchaser; you sir a a saint and worth any homage you receive from it!

WOTC guards their IP with ferocity and are extremely anal retentive about how it is used.
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