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Old November 20th, 2016, 03:30 PM
Thanks kbs666 and Vargr, guess I'll continue using OneNote for now.

Originally Posted by rob View Post
The plan is for a complete overhaul of how game sessions are managed. Basically, we would utilize a topic for tracking session notes (pre and post), with a fully customizable category definition underlying it. Then GMs would be able to tailor the structure to their preferences, the notes would be inherently revealable to players, and full linking would be provided.

This is something very high on MY want list. I'm not sure where it fits into the priorities of other users, though.
That would be fantastic, I'm trying to consolidate ALLLLL the tools I utilize before/during/after game sessions and if RW can take that on I'd be a super happy chica! And if GM/DM's can customize it all the better

Originally Posted by rob View Post
Journals are a separate animal entirely, since they introduce a completely different set of complications wherein player-created material gets woven in with GM-created material at some level. However, the plan is for them to behave in a relatively similar manner, except that the GM would be in control of the category structure utilizes by journals created by his players. Obviously, we'd provide everyone with a framework that will hopefully offer a solid starting point and can be customized.
Player journals are definitely something I'd like to see implemented as that's something I like to encourage my players to do. I'm not saying this is a high priority, simply stating it'd be nice to have

Hopefully when the GM Notes gets an overhaul it will include a calendar function (I know it's a sore subject - not trying to stir the pot), as I find myself REALLY wishing RW had that function. Either way though, this is a fantastic tool and it's great that you fine folks at LW are continually tweaking and improving it, thanks!
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