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Old October 25th, 2016, 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
PFS scenarios are on our radar, but there are some other things currently looming higher on our priority list. We're actively weighing the amount of time/effort involved in entering PFS scenarios vs. the number of copies we can reasonably expect to sell through the Content Market. Since they are primarily targeted at GMs running PFS, that's a smaller subset of the overall GMs running Pathfinder. There's also the consideration that we probably need to commit to doing all scenarios for a season, so we likely can't realistically "test the waters" by doing just a few of them on a trial basis.

At this point, the Magic 8-Ball is saying "Reply hazy. Ask again later."
While past seasons would be useful new scenarios are what I, and I'd guess most PFS GM's, would be most interested in.

I also think PFS scenarios show off part of what makes RW so powerful. Reducing session prep. PFS GM's do not usually have the sort of time to devote, or the foreknowledge of what they will be running, to spend more than a week prepping for a scenario. PFS actually has a website where GM's share resources to improve prep, There is definitely value in being able to buy the scenario where more of the prep has been done. RW can do that easily enough and with the ability to add each scenario into a Golarion realm with the setting info also present to give the players more immersion I think you might find that PFS would sell a lot of product, I bet it drives a lot of HL sales right now for similar reasons.
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