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Join Date: Jul 2016
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Old October 18th, 2016, 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Exmortis View Post
But you are in a strange middle ground, not sure I have met any like you.....Are you real?

If pricked, do you bleed red?
My blood does seem like normal human blood, last I checked.

I am a software developer, like yourself. One day I will be programming in .net at work (Microsoft shop), next day I will be coding on my mac, installing Linux code and working in terminal. I know I am weird.

I figure, I will always have a mac Laptop (I love their build quality) for most of my day to day use. Which includes photo editing and some programming. But I will always have a nice custom gaming PC.

Just to add to the mix, I have a Mac Mini with 2 raid boxes running a media center. I also have a Raspberry Pi running security cameras around my house. (It used to be connected to dedicated Bitcoin Miners).

I am a special butterfly,

To make sure this post is on topic a little. I know they wanted to do a mono port of the .net code. While not the perfect solution to the problem (some of my least favorite ports are just mono/wine ports), it would be something. Its a bummer they hit some limitations.

I would love for the code base to be more of an open source language base (not the code, just the language). Running off a mysql database and using C++ for the model code. But having 2 versions of View/Controller code using whatever language runs fastest in each environment. Swift/Obj-C on mac and .net/whatever on the PC.

But please, stay away from Java.. thanks
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