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Old October 6th, 2016, 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Cornelius View Post
Interesting ideas. Some comments (not at critizism, but something that sprang to my mind reading this).

That would require some sort of anchor snippet that the GM fixates at a certain moment. Namely the moment (part of) the adventure is started.

The second part requires that you input the time that is used as they proceed through the adventure, in order for the timer to set. This also means that in the plot view suddenly certain paths become closed as the timer has ran out. I am not sure if you can program that into RW at all.
Oh, I am not advocating any kind of programmatic timer within RealmWorks. The "timer" scenario I was talking about would simply mean that, when the "anchor" date for the start of the time period was set, the end date would be a calculated snippet (+3 days or the like).

The GM should be keeping track of current date and time, to some degree, anyway. It doesn't have to be as precise as "Oh, and you're out of time.. too bad.. the villains win" because the PCs were late by a round or two (except in rare cases for specific encounters).

Really, most Adventure Paths move "at the speed of plot", meaning that any "timer" is not literally a timer in the sense of an hourglass or stopwatch... except that specific encounters may have a requirement that the PCs finish their actions within "X rounds". For the dramatic tension in the campaign, though, the PCs always arrive "just in time" to interfere.
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