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Old October 6th, 2016, 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Silveras View Post
In the case of the "relative dates", it would come up in the course of using the material to run a campaign.

For example, Rise of the Runelords AP from Paizo.

The dates are left flexible for the GM to decide when the campaign begins. A number of key events are tied to "Five years before". The pace of the adventure is also left dependent upon the group... some aggressive groups will move from part to part faster than others who take more time. But when they are prepared to move on, there are encounters with histories that are based on "1 year ago", "six months ago", "1 week ago", etc. Exactly when those events occurred will be determined by when the players trigger that part of the adventure to begin (although, the longer back it is, the less need for it to be exactly that long ago).

In other cases, a particular part of the adventure may be on a "timer".. the players may have only a fixed amount of time in-game to prevent something bad from occurring. The date/time of the bad outcome is undefined until the date/time of the players' start is determined.
Interesting ideas. Some comments (not at critizism, but something that sprang to my mind reading this).

That would require some sort of anchor snippet that the GM fixates at a certain moment. Namely the moment (part of) the adventure is started.

The second part requires that you input the time that is used as they proceed through the adventure, in order for the timer to set. This also means that in the plot view suddenly certain paths become closed as the timer has ran out. I am not sure if you can program that into RW at all.
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