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Old October 2nd, 2016, 10:39 AM
Right.. the broader the scope, the more likely there is to also be a resource issue.. a matter of slowing the application while it searches for applicable snippets in applicable topics.

In addition, there is also the need for greater complexity in the search criteria. A calculated snippet that operates on all values of a certain target snippet may still require additional parameters.. otherwise, the calculated snippet may operate on too broad a range. Using the example above, a snippet of "gold" on Community Topics... it is highly unlikely to be desired that it total all gold for all Communities in all countries of the game world. So there would need to be some way to filter the Topics across which it operates.

Even the "relative date" snippets I mentioned could require additional limitations. Probably, the "relative date" snippets would need to limit their updates to when the Topic they are on is re-visited (much like how existing links recognize that their linked topic has changed, and prompts to change the text to match). Yet that could mean that the Timeline display shows inaccurate information for Topics that are not visited often. The alternative.. that changing the "anchor date" triggers an update of all related "relative dates" is possible, but then it becomes necessary to consider whether it is necessary to limit the number of such "anchor dates" and/or "relative dates"'; otherwise, the application may appear "stuck" while it is applying the changes.
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