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Old August 18th, 2016, 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
The community Pack NEVER EVER EVER EVER overwrites anything. I 100% make sure of this ALL the time.
Except for that one time when one of my druid spells went missing. :-p

Even with that, though, I reported the issue, and it was quickly addressed. I highly recommend the community packs. Shadow and others have put a lot of time (a LOT of time) and a lot of good work into making this content available, and they've selflessly made it available to the public at large.

If you do ever encounter an issue, it's easily correctable by deselecting the source, and with a little bit of savvy, it's trackable to a specific location in a specific file, which would allow you to report the issue with precision.

The whole concept of creating community content and making it available to everyone (within legal limits, of course) is in the best spirit of gaming.
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