Thread: SR 5th ed. New racial quality help
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Old August 12th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Looks like the comment in that script is wrong - it's saying +25% where it should be saying +10%.

Also, remember to look at the Phase & Priority that's listed above that script - those are important - you'll simply use the same phase & priority for your script.

So, interpreting that script;

First, it starts off with a doneif test - that's testing if anything disabled the quality - for example, a negative quality where the user paid enough karma on the advances tab to remove the quality would become disabled, so that's a part of the script you want to keep.

Then, it adjusts the lifestyle modifier.

See how it adds 0.1 to the multiplier, in order to add 10% to the total cost? So for +100%, you'd add + 1

Then, reading through the rest of the script, that's for paraplegic, to change the walking speed, so that part you'll delete.
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