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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 46

Old June 25th, 2016, 05:57 AM
Is there a way to (easily) create a custom spell list and to limit the domain access for clerics of different faiths?

I see that I can edit each spell and add a custom cleric class to the Spell Class; this is time intensive and also requires editing exiting PH and Spell Compendium sources. Is there another way where I can run down the list of all spells, ticking to add to the custom spell list? Or define the spell list within the class?

Similarly, is there a way to limit the Domains that are accessible to a cleric class?

As always, thanks in advance,

John / Greylin

A further thought: if I set up the clerics as different classes (Cleric of Nuada, Cleric of Bane, etc.) - could I then set that class as a pre-requisite for the relevant Domains as a way to limit access to Domains to relevant classes? What might that code look like (or can you point me to some Things that already have that kind of pre-req code from which I could crib?)

Last edited by Greylin; June 25th, 2016 at 12:09 PM.
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