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Old April 27th, 2016, 04:28 AM
For the time being, I want to wait until the next Hero Labs update before I start accepting anything big. I feel it will be easier for me to sort through anything that became broken with the removal of Pathfinder Packs.

Also, my first priority will be Forgotten Realms, then if there is time I will move to Dragonlance and Finally Ravenloft. My reasoning is because Faerun is more popular followed by Dragonlance. Ravenloft is a world where people from other realmspaces can be dragged in as such it will probably need access to material from the previous two.

That's not to say I wont take requests for specific classes, feats or spells. Nearly the entirety of "Van Richtens Arsenal" will be in one of my first updates. And someone else has asked for a PrC for Dragonlance. But those are special.

I will give more details later. If you feel you must contribute something here are some things to keep in mind:
  • Unique ID MUST start with "FR" [Forgotten Realms], "DL" [Dragonlance], or "RL" [Ravenloft] (except for classes and class abilities). If there is a conflict I will deal with it.
  • All .user files must be saved as "Forgotten Realms - <book name here> - whatever is most descriptive here.
  • Any content added will be subject to conversion to Pathfinder rules. If none exist, the closest equivalent will be used. If nothing close exists, the original text will be used until something better is found.
  • The following books are closed to outside updates at this time: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Players Guide to Faerun, Magic of Faerun, and Monsters of Faerun. I am still in the process of adding some major content to those and it will go faster if I don't have to stop and add outside content. If you want to create content for those and hold it, fine.
  • Please hold off on adding any monsters or templates relating to dragons. I have something planned on how I want dragons handled.

Finally, I do not yet have a link to content that you can easily download. I am not sure how to set it up. So if you know how to set up that dropbox link so you can add it to herolabs and everything automatically downloads. That would be an enormous help.

Last edited by TobyFox2002; April 27th, 2016 at 04:31 AM.
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