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Old April 25th, 2016, 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Farling View Post
The intention is for the GM to use RW during the game, while all the players sit around the table and interact with each other (not spend their time staring at a screen).

Between sessions the players can recall what has happened in the campaign so far using their player edition of RW that syncs the revealed content from the GM's realm.
That may be the way some people will use it, but it wasn't really the way I was expecting it to work. In this modern day of the interwebs I had just assumed the content was would be synced automatically as things were revealed. Wasn't really expecting a pre-1999 method of updating.

I will still use it as you describe and still use my TV when playing at my house, and I guess turn the laptop around when not at my place. Maybe realm works should sell some sort of swivel stand to put your laptop on :P
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