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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Virginia, USA
Posts: 335

Old April 14th, 2016, 04:29 PM
Here's my favorite one for this issue: Even printing it and running it through a decent OCR program it has issues.

If non~ ofth~ qu~tions ~aMWf'rw with
li~., and at IU5l On~ qu~.tionwa. an.w,,~wilh a
tm~ altS\<",r, th~ spirits II1iI)' implant a "P"ll in your
mind asArd<-sdlr$$oIkrCOllc.oct~d.. As Ions
~ast at J.e.iil 011" spdI of 5£b In",1 or '-",r wilhin
l-l hours bdore casting Ard~.5af~conlaet,)'ou
immwiat~1y pu-~ a .prll in~of th~aprndw
spell. This n"" spdI is of th" """""' !nod a. th~
aprndw .prll. and is~by tM spirit in
q~n. no! by you: 'fOU nttd. DDt """" know 'M
spell, and in rareG1l56 ~ spdl IIW)'DDt nom be on
~clawiliR. Thccbo5rn spdI is 5Iond in your
mind as though p~in thr: fashion. 1h~
spdl is 5riU prq»M ........, ifyou are a "P"n~
spdlG1lSt~r, m~anins thallhr .........."'~ spell 5101 can
only be apr~On 1Mrna..,., sprll (though 01M!"
spell MoIsan 1lIUl'Ifft~). If th~ implantw spell
""'I.uiU'S mat~rial compoIl"nts, you still mUSI provid~
thtm in ordu to cut ~ spdl. Thr implantw "P"U
u-mains prq»~ until th" =xt tim,,)'Ou ....t and
rKO\",r opells, and if it ham't!>ttn cast by the ~nd of
that time, it iswast~.

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
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