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Old March 21st, 2016, 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Silveras View Post
Manage Names was called Alias before.

The "Public Name" is the main name of the topic, visible when you reveal the topic.
The "True Name" is the *actual* name, which can be revealed separately.

If you are converting a published adventure, you will likely want to make the name used in the adventure the "True Name", and create a different, less revealing one, for the "Public Name".

For example, if the room is called "Victor's Monster Factory" in the adventure, you might want to make that the "True Name" but create the topic as "Strange Operating Room" (the "Public Name").
This is a good idea. I will use it, as long as I don't have a better solution.
It kind of 'breaks' my workflow in RW since I have to thing about alternative names for everything now, instead of just don't showing the name.
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