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Old February 22nd, 2016, 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rev Haus 235 View Post
I've been trying to add in a custom class. I have met some success, but keep getting stuck on a few parts.

The class is from the Iron Kingdoms setting by Privateer Press. It is an Arcane Mechanik. They specialize in making mechanical constructs that use magic to power them. They cast arcane spells like a wizard, but can't specialize in any schools. They also have a hefty skill allotment for crafting skills.

The help I need is with setting up the arcane spell casting ability, without the specialization part. How can I do this?
Wizard specialization is set up as a custom ability in d20, so you shouldn't have any trouble avoiding that. Just set them up to cast spells like a wizard in the editor. It won't force the specialization.

Originally Posted by Rev Haus 235 View Post
I am also having tons of trouble with the pre-requisites for the Feats that the class can choose from. In the Iron Kingdoms setting, there are a bunch of particular Feats that allow one to make various component pieces to magical constructs. This is were I run into the worst of my issues, as I managed to screw up the pre-requisites on some of the Feats so badly that it messed up my ability to use other custom stuff that I had been using for over a year.
Please help me with how to set a pre-requisite for level, other feats, class, and skills.
There are tons of examples throughout the community set (and within the core set for that matter) showing how to do pre-reqs for all kinds of things. Just open up one of the files in the editor and take a look through the feats. You can also search through some of the Prestige classes as they use similar pre-reqs.

Originally Posted by Rev Haus 235 View Post
The class also gets a mechanical familiar at 5th level, that I will need some help setting up. Particularly because he can build his own mechanical creation for this familiar. I will need some help adding in the special ability to get the familiar, and then I will also need some help adding in a custom creation option for the animal that the familiar can be.

Please and thank you for your assistance.
Setting up a class to have a familiar is easy enough. The issue you would run into here is that you can't really make a whole new class of minions. You can certainly create a mechanical familiar for your class to take, but you should put a pre-req on it to require levels in Arcane Mechanik so that your wizards and sorcerers don't get to use them. You can make familiars in the race tab.
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