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Old February 12th, 2016, 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by theparadox View Post
Perhaps I'm terrible at communicating? I stated, repeatedly, that I am aware that no promises were made regarding a timetable on new features. My highest criticism is specifically that their website does not reflect the current timetable and priority of the dev team. As far as the cloud service goes, my biggest criticism again is that their live web site does not accurately reflect the state of their cloud service. There is information regarding the beginning of services clock starting on Nov 18 and last I checked there was nothing indicating the year (2014!) or current "refrozen" state of the cloud service clock. I shouldn't have to do any more research to figure out that my cloud service isn't running out in two months. I'm ecstatic that I motivated staff to make an official clarification post in the forums but this should be clear on the site detailing their product!
Got no idea where you found that date but this is also on the website

Which clearly says the clock is stopped.

Regarding bugs I submit bug reports when my errors occur, at least the first two or three times the error is thrown in a session. I'm not abandoning the program or claiming that the dev team isn't passionate, doesn't care, or can't pull it off. It simply turns me off when I have major errors the first few times I really start to use it. I'm more concerned concerned that there isn't a higher priority on communication (at least through their website). Even if it is accurately posted somewhere, it shouldn't then also be inaccurately posted somewhere else.
Liz and Rob do communicate through the forum. That they have not responded to your specific complaints does not change that, wait one of them did respond to you but it wasn't good enough, so I guess it would have only counted if they told you something you liked.

If they want to make money and grow their software and their service, conflicting information on their website is NOT the way to do it and I'd rather they get their act together regarding this sort of thing. I want them to succeed. I desperately want someone to release software like this. If nobody mentions it or if the devs only listen to people like you who just brush off any criticism as whining from naysayers who'll never be happy, those who do not bother to raise the issue will just leave and potential customers will be lost.
You think I brush off any criticism? Really? I've been very critical of LWD but not over stuff like not keeping the website updated or slipped delivery dates when no firm date was given in the first place.

The fact remains that the software delivers a great product that cannot be duplicated. That is a rare achievement. Whining that one aspect or another is taking a while to be delivered won't make it come out any faster. I want the web view as well because I think some of my players are more likely to immerse themselves in the lore of my campaign if they have a website to go to rather than having to install player edition and figure that all out. But until it comes out RW still makes my life easier in prep and at the table. All my players simply don't get to use it.
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