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The GIT!
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Old November 18th, 2015, 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
OK, here's how that works:

First off, ignore that IMPORTANT NOTE in the description. I can see a first patch, dang it. I thought I had removed all of those from the descriptions.

1) Got to the Robotics tab (assuming you've a hero who has access to that tab)
2) Add a Robotic Modification, and choose Skill
3) It will appear on the list with a drop-down to select the Skill you are adding/adding to. Go ahead and select the Skill.
4) In the New Skills table that appears below, add the Skills that need to be added.

As far as how it affects Skill calculations, I'm not sure what you mean. If you can clarify it for me, I'll address it...
So here's the thing. Once I've followed the steps laid out above I end up with 2 x die types being added (i.e. instead of the skill being d4 it now ends up as d6). It seems that by adding a skill mod and THEN selecting the skill in the new skills table the system takes that as selecting the skill twice.

Further, assigning skill mods creates errors in the number of mods allowed - my construct has 6 Mod slots available; I've assigned two of these for skills (which effectively means ten extra skills) but then the system says I have too many Mods (even though it actually says I have 6 out 6 mods).

There's something squiffy with the skills part of the Robot Modifications and I'll try and take some screen caps when I get home (if you think that might help).
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