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Old November 9th, 2015, 09:16 PM
Okay, big first for me here.

I've been doing a bunch of development in a copy of my Pathfinder folder (not my main Pathfinder folder, thankfully), and I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point the core classes (Wizard, Fighter, Rogue, etc, just everything from the PHB) have disappeared on me. And I mean completely. Not only are the classes not showing up on the class portal, but the class Things aren't even showing up in the editor (their class specials still seem to be there, though).

It's just in the copy folder where this problem is happening; my base PF folder is fine.

I'm sure I could just blow away this folder and re-create it, but I'd rather treat that as a last resort due to the work I'd face in restoring my development work. So short of that, I've tried re-downloading the latest Pathfinder update to this folder, and also copying over the files from my base Pathfinder folder (skipping duplicates), but that hasn't worked.

Any ideas? Someone tell me I'm not the first person to have this problem.
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