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Old October 11th, 2015, 04:16 AM
Back at the turn of the century I was working for a small software company and we sent out a major update to a piece of software and as one of the newer developers I was one of the people fielding CS calls that the call center guys couldn't resolve. So I get a call from what seems like a perfectly reasonable and nice person who is having a problem that no one has been able to figure out. After listening to him describe the problem I realize the problem almost has to be in a config file so I have him open it. First problem, he has no idea how to do so. I have to explain in incredibly simple terms how to find and open the file. Sure enough the problem is the config file has somehow gotten garbled. So he simply needs to edit one line to fix his problem. He can't. I have to explain what deleting stuff is and how to save the file and he gets confused and refuses to do anything. Then it turns out he doesn't have email so he can't even send me the file. The program was installed on the laptop by an employee so eventually I did get it fixed but it was amazing how completely computer illiterate this person was in 2000 or 2001.
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