Thread: Hearty hello!
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 4

Old September 14th, 2015, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the welcome!
I am sure RW will find a solid place in my workflow.

To be honest, I have little experience with DMing still. I have been playing in a table group for a few years. When things got difficult to plan for table sessions we switched to FG to play remotely as it fitted better with our schedules/locations, etc.

When my first child was born the RP sessions took a back seat and sadly all members of the group have moved on to other things.
I've always wanted to create my own Realm and eventhough I have little time to play, I have decided I can still make progress on the hobby in the form of gradually shaping my own world. Perhaps it will be ready for the spotlight some time.

At this point I am playing with RW, testing various things and discovering what goes where.

In the mean time while working on my world I have good hope that our group might play some premade commercial adventures once in a while.
It will be interesting to discover how RW will fit in with FG.

I find FG is not very good at the management part of a campaign, but it does allow for immersive gameplay sessions themselves.
The combat tracker is nice too.
The downtime is that when creating the world in RW you will always have to do double the work porting parts of it over to FG for a playsession.
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