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Old September 6th, 2015, 08:17 AM
I am also coming over from OP and am not having trouble migrating.

OP was never a tool that I liked all that much.

To make a players guide I simply wrote one in the mechanics source. It took me a bit of time to look over how things were laid out and to explore how things were set up. Then I made my existing campaigns players guide fit into that format. Pretty easy. The top level stuff went into the front page of the campaign.

Journals seem pretty much a non entity in RW so I hope it is on the todo list. In campaigns that meet once a month or every 2 weeks a written journal can be vital in keeping players up to date on what is going on, especially if someone misses a session. I'd much rather have a built in solution than a kluged one. Hopefully when the promised calendar comes out it will be part of that.
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