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Old September 4th, 2015, 07:28 AM
DRM is a fact of life as long as we have thieves who believe that stealing IP doesn't hurt anyone.... Or they are just plain criminals at heart.

So this is not LWD's fault directly, they are just required to protect the IP they license for Hero Lab from those said thieves. The update to windows 10 changes your system completely, thus sets off the reassignment issue.

Now please be patient, I have been a LWD HL customer for a while now and a RW customer, and I have YET to have a issue NOT solved by them, their support is a model for the rest of the industry to follow, not to mention their community here.

Thy will get you fixed up within a reasonable amount of time. 1 working day is an unreasonable expectation for any company, just so you are aware.

Like Togainu I was fast ring Win10 preview on my HL system, and never once did LWD whinge at my early assignment requests, and never did I wait an unreasonable amount of time.

LWD gets the job done, you can take that to the bank. But you must also be fair with expectations.

Exmortis aka "Scott"
RW - Needs Rez spell
HL - Game Master/Designer
RPG Tools - Campaign Cartographer 3+, D20 Pro Ultimate
Real Life - IT Security
Hobby - Anything on water or ATV
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