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Old July 27th, 2015, 10:46 AM
I'm sure SyrinScape is reading this thread so constructive feedback for them would be really helpful for them to frame their future.

I have a small library of soundfiles from Kickstarters and other sources. Whichever sound solution I might adopt needs to be able to leverage that content the I already own.

I like handouts and fluff for the players. But I like to be able to modify or update it to fit my setting. Someone earlier commented that the sounds may not be what they hear in their head. The proposed editor from SyrinScape would resolve some of this. A sound solution needs to be able to be adapted to each GM's situation.

I don't want more programs running.... Between RW, d20pro, HL and a PDF, that's already too many. Keep things simple. Adding a link for a customized soundset to a snippet is ideal. Fire and forget.
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