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Old July 27th, 2015, 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bobifle View Post
Come on guys let's not start a war !

Max concerns were legitimate.
Rob answered those concerns and we're all happy to know that synriscape integration did not interfer with major and highly expected features.

Cookie for everyone !
I don't have a problem with anyone expressing their concerns. What I don't appreciate is they way those concerns were portrayed, and it seems I'm not the only one. A gross assumption was translated into certainty that we're "tone-deaf" and not to be trusted.

What I have repeatedly requested is for folks to ask questions and give us the chance to answer them before leaping to assumptions, and @MaxSupernova has seen that request on multiple occasions. Based on his response, it seems @MaxSupernova may prefer the drama and negativity that he can stir up by presenting gross assumptions and their implications as fact. I don't respect that, as I don't feel it serves anyone's CONSTRUCTIVE interests here on the forums. It's just drama for the sake of drama. I have enough of that at home with a 2-year-old, not to mention everything involved in keeping RW on track.

Questions are great, and we'll do our best to answer them. Negative views based on fact are perfectly acceptable. Just get the facts first. If someone can't be bothered to do that, I consider it rude to everyone else here on the forums. It's no different from an in-person social setting in that regard.

Now I need to get back to last-minute preparations for GenCon. We leave for the airport in about 30 hours....
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