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Old July 20th, 2015, 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by JTFinnegan View Post
Hello everyone. John here, long time PnP player.
It makes me sad that I have to ask my players, a lot, what the name of an NPC was, when I was the one who made them up and named them.
Hint : make it look like you're asking them to check they've properly recorded the names If they cannot, make up a new name

Idealy you've recorded the name in realm works, which brings us to the next question:

I can stick them under the People topic, but in my mind for example, the hellhounds that are in room A4 or not really people.
Hellhounds are not people. My advice would be to create a specific topic only for meaningful characters. Usually intelligent individuals that can speak and interact with the players.

If you want to record how many hellhounds the PC encountered, just write the list of monsters they meet in the scene topic.

for instance:

Create a topic for the scene(or place) "Cultists dungeon".

Then in a snippet :
A1 : deadly trap
A2 : a nude poster of Samantha Fox
A3 : 3 hellhounds, 2 cultists and mickey mouse

Mickey Mouse being the leader of the cult you may want to create a topic for him, but if he's not meant to parley with the players and will eventually meet his death anyway, the topic may not be necessary.

Whenever you want to remind the players of what happened in the cultist dungeon, refer to the scene topic you've created.
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