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Old July 9th, 2015, 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
Assuming that the Dark Heresy files get completed and the author chooses to release them (I can't imagine why he wouldn't), then the data files will show up as a new game system in the Updates mechanism within HL.
Not having money to fight Games Workshop over Copyright Infringement is enough reason not to release them, Rob. I suggest anyone working on the Warhammer 40,000 rpg books first read the copyright text of those books carefully before deciding on releasing data for it. Just before the table of contents in a rectangular brick there are words which exist that will prevent me from releasing the data to the community without a proper license for the data. I'm pretty certain GW considers hero lab to be a Data Retrieval System which is why I won't share the files I've done.

Their updated copyright information expressly prohibits having the data in Retrieval systems (I'm sure thats a fancy way of saying hero lab/army builder type databases) or sharing it electronically without the publisher's permission. I'm not sitting on a few million dollars to battle GW over copyright. GW is one of the companies that will come after you for violation of copyright, they don't even like people taking pictures in their stores as it is.

Deathwatch line rpg books have the following line in the copyright block:
"No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sysyem, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher." This is why I've stopped working on the data files and am not going to finish them any time soon, and why I'm not sharing what I've done.

AD&D 2e is a dead system, much like Alternity. I'm more willing to share this data because I don't see TSR filing a lawsuit over it, plus their copyright info in the books wasn't outspoken on databases (Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson aren't likely to show up on my doorstep in their ghostly forms to dispute the files either).

RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

I am far too busy these days to answer emails. If you message me here there is no guarantee I will get back to you at all.

Last edited by RavenX; July 9th, 2015 at 02:13 PM.
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