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Old June 3rd, 2015, 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Pollution View Post
My personal Vision for the market place would be to have a way of incorporating source books and modules/APs.

So, you'd pick up Pathfinder Core which would be say the main book, UM, UE, ARG, APG, and UC. That would be all your crunch for rules. Each class would be in there, all the items, spells, feats, etc... I imagine something like that would cost a fair amount of money, let's say $100.

Then you'd pick up modules/APs. So you'd have a RotRL Realm. you could tie in your $100 rules set you picked up before into that world and it would be almost everything you need to run RotRL in one place, all hyper-linked (you'd have to add in the ability to scan the entire flippin' thing for links into RW though).

If you finished RotRL, and wanted to keep the same party, you'd then add in more modules to your Realm (some high level stuff right there) and maybe pick up Mystic Adventures, which would add in not only the new stuff, but also CHANGE the old stuff (so under a spell, it would have standard spell description followed by a new section called Mystic or whatever).

My vision is a way to keep adding things to your realms via the Marketplace. I want a Core ShadowRun Realm for sale (Hell, I'll design it, and put it up for free). Then I want the ability to merge Adventures, Runs, or Missions into the core realm. Then when a book Chrome Flesh (Augmentation book) comes out, I want the Rules in RW so that I can QUICKLY see what the stats are on something. Later, when the Technomancer book comes out, I want to incorporate that too.... If I want to do a one off campaign at GenCon that's not related to my insane home game, I can create a new SR core realm, import my source material I've bought/designed already and put in my one shot.

My vision for what Realm Works can and should be are pretty lofty. But after seeing what we've seen so far, I would be surprised if this doesn't happen.
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