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Old May 11th, 2015, 04:23 AM
I can see it being tedious for people who may only want to put a few bits and pieces in, or for whom backstory is not nearly as important as raw info for game-- stat blocks and such. I can also say that yes, I can see some-- not a lot, but noticeable-- lag when opening a new subject.

That tedium doesn't apply to me, personally, however. Using it for world detailing and creation, I actually appreciate all those blank spots-- they help me to think of areas I may not have already thought about for topics, or help me dredge up new ideas I hadn't considered. I am by no means a slave to the "fill every blank" mindset, but I do think having more of those filled than not actually helps enrich my campaign world. The players may not need to know NPC X's brother was killed and the murderer was never caught and that drives him. But I do.

I wouldn't call the GUI kludgy, myself, but I'm mostly comparing it to Access or Base (which is in effect what the software is), and some of the notetaking/wiki software I've tried to detail my campaign world. I haven't mucked around enough with Roll20 to know its capabilities (I don't really do a lot of VTT gaming), and RW is more specific to what I want, and light years better than everything I've tried short of maybe OneNote.
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