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Old May 3rd, 2015, 09:36 AM
Here's the documentation for "own mode" and "inherit rules from master":

Since d20/pathfinder doesn't care about the creation/advancement state of a character, "Own Mode" won't change anything and doesn't matter in d20 or Pathfinder. "Inherit rules" asks whether this minion's sources should be identical to the master, and locked, or whether they should be up to the user to set.

To see how to build a minion with a pre-set race, as opposed to setting up a minion so that the user will choose the race after purchasing the minion, use the "New (Copy)" button, and copy "Dog, Guard", and then look at the bootstraps and tags buttons on the minion form.

Minion live field is not something that d20 is set up to take advantage of, so skip that one. To see it in effect, open Shadowrun (4th or 5th) in demo mode, and on the Vehicle tab, purchase a vehicle. Then, look at what happens when you uncheck and check the box on that vehicle's entry.

Last edited by Mathias; May 3rd, 2015 at 09:39 AM.
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