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Old June 13th, 2006, 02:06 PM
In a separate thread, a user posed the question of whether we had considered developing a tool for character creation for RPGs. Writing an RPG tool is significantly more complex than AB, since the UI must visually adapt to each game much moreso than AB does. However, writing an RPG tool is something we've been asked about for years and it's something that we've recently been devoting a lot of thought to.

Since this topic was started, it made me realize this is an ideal time to take a poll of AB users to find out if lots of you would like to see us develop an RPG tool or only a few of you. There are already some solutions out for RPGs, and at least one new tool that's been threatening to be released for a couple years now. I'm not very familiar with those tools, so I'm going to pose a variety of questions and see what you think....

1. For the tools that are available (or soon to be available), what are the things they do well that we should make sure to include?

2. For those same tools, what do you see as their shortcomings that we should focus on improving upon?

3. What other capabilities do you feel are critical to the success of an RPG tool (that aren't mentioned above)?

4. If we were to announce development of an RPG tool, but our tool comes out later than another tool, would you hold off a few months to see what we come up with before making a purchase decision? Or is release timing a critical factor?

5. If we were to do an RPG tool, what are the best places to advertise the tool's existence? What publications, websites, or other resources do you regularly read where you'd see an ad and check out the product?

6. If we created an RPG tool, there's no way that we could arrange support for all games out of the chute. So, what are the top four games that we should strive to support from the outset?

We've been seriously considering developing an RPG tool, and we're definitely interested in mapping out how we could do it successfully. Your answers to the questions above would be most helpful in directing our efforts. Thanks in advance to everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts!

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