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Old March 26th, 2015, 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by lfseeney View Post
Come on folks Lone Wolf built on using other's IP.

Army Builder, ring a bell to anyone?

But AEIOU has made it clear I am the bad guy, so be it.
I'm not sure exactly how Army Builder works, but I bet it is probably a bunch of files and not a single database containing everything. Realm Works is a single database containing all the realms a person creates or purchases, unless, or until, they start deleting stuff. Right now there isn't any way to export a select few entries from a realm into a file that could be imported by someone else. Also, every single Realm has a "Globally Unique Identifier" (GUID) and all the entries under that realm have another unique identifier tied to the realms GUID... at least that's how I understand these databases to work. The GUID is generated by LWD on their servers when you create a Realm. Therefore it may not be possible to just share this stuff as you ask as it could present real problems to your content, the original creators content, and possible the servers at LWD.

I'm also not sure what exactly is done for Army Builder files. I'm not sure if LWD is actively allowing trading of these files on their forums or is it being done on third party websites that LWD has no control of?

Also, if the people that own the IP Army Builder is based on aren't actively protecting their IP then that's their problem. However, it looks to me like Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast actively protect their Intellectual Property and have the lawyers to make peoples lives miserable.

So, when people ask you not to ask for IP from lawyer heavy mega corps, then you should consider the possibility that they are trying to protect the product they've spent their hard earned money on.

You should also consider the fact that LWD has stated that they are waiting for Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro to hopefully release an SRD. I believe they have also mentioned that they would like to gain a full blown license for D&D 5.0 if the licensing fees can be successfully negotiated.

So, again, there are no shortcuts. You might be able to see how others have done it but because of the way RW was set up, at least for now, you can't drop in a file into some directory and restart RW to get someone else's content without either destroying or else renaming your database. In any case you wouldn't be able to use your content and the shared content at the same time.

Although you see AEIOU as calling you a bad guy, I see him as trying to help protect LWD and the rest of us that are willing to pay a small fee for legal access to content.
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