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Old March 5th, 2015, 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Imper1um View Post
Well, if you're talking about adding in a map, yeah, that's a few megs. But, the reveal data is a couple of kilobytes at most. If its more than that, something could be refactored to make the database smaller. Even adding one pin should just be a kilobyte or three. If you're working on the same map, generally, an update shouldn't be too intensive on the synchronization.

Yeah, my plan is, once the game starts flowing is that I will have entire articles with true, untrue and partially true information. If they reveal it, I click it, and they can see it when I sync next. I just wish that they could browse it immediately, while I'm playing. It gives them a way of "looking back at notes," without them asking for me to go to a certain topic on the big screen.
At this point we're arguing for no purpose. I'm just saying you need to consider other peoples workflows before doing something like an auto-sync. For me it would cause issues. Even if its not just about the player. There are other workflow reasons to not auto publish as well. (and its not just about reveals). If there were an option to enable or disable it, then it doesnt matter.

But as for the other things, constant saves, even if its only a couple of KB, it COULD be a performance concern if enough people are doing it. And im not talking performance on your end, or performance on your players end. You have to consider the system as a whole. A lot of it could in theory depend on how the website is going to handle syncs. Is it going to be based on browser fresh, or a more modern technology allowing push data (like angular/node). Whenever dealing with infrastructure like this, there are always lots of things to consider.

So the real question is when doing something like this: cost/benefits.

Do the benefits of auto sync outweight the costs? Possibly. We know the benefits, but not really. (how many people would use it... are they more like you, or more like me?) Dont know the costs either.

Now I would like a notification system so that when I publish, all my players are aware of it.

As for the HL thing- I will let Shadow respond. My windows machine has been down for a few days, so im rebuilding so dont have RW in front of me (which is why i was probably giving misinformation - again, sorry about that)

Last edited by mirtos; March 5th, 2015 at 09:56 PM.
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