Thread: NPC Development
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Old February 20th, 2015, 07:57 AM
The intro to the article starts with a 7-sentence NPC example: "Rand the Elder is a blacksmith who has spent all his life in Arabel. He is a tall man with a heavy black beard. Rand is known for his great strength (16), skill as a blacksmith, and rather dim wit (Int 7). He values his family above all, is honest to a fault, and has a great fondness for music. Uncomfortable and a man of few words with strangers, he is talkative and likes to sing with his close friends. With his shop on the main thoroughfare, he hears many of the tales from outside the city, but often gets the facts mixed up due to his slow wit. He talks in a deep, slow drawl and pulls at his beard when talking to others."

As I've noted in the past, the LWD team has already captured much of this in RW already. What the article sparked in me was "ahhhh, THAT's a way to use the snippets more effectively; THAT's a nice way to lay things out." The explanations and examples in the article helped me wrap my head around entering NPCs.

I'd love for the RW manual to flesh out several examples of entries in different genres to help users visualize the potential easier.

1) Occupation and History
2) Physical description
3) Attributes and Skills
4) Values and Motivations
5) Interactions with others
6) Useful knowledge
7) Distinguishing feature
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