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Old February 2nd, 2015, 04:03 AM
Clearly you're not alone in feeling the way you do: Dark Lord Galen (one of the major champions for calendars here) is likewise severely disillusioned about calendars being on the back-burner for the time being.

Some things we know: calendars are ranked 4 or 5 on the survey's most-desired list. Calendars are either a "must have" feature or a "don't care" feature for users, with very little middle ground. Creating calendars basically sucks balls right now ("clunky and cumbersome" is the nicest thing I've seen written about it, and that was by Liz). Making calendars usable will take a hefty chunk of UI work. There are other features that are more broadly desired by the users. The LWD development team want to get calendars into our hands (seriously, they really, really do, not least so they can show off the work they've done already that's currently hidden from the users).

Taken all together, that means that calendars are going to be a huge deal to deliver, and Rob will be the first to admit that quality trumps providing capability.

Now, myself and some others have been loudly clamouring for calendars. To the extent that I'm surprised LWD haven't told me to shut up about them (if you don't believe me, take a look at the calendar thread in the requests forum, or the lobbying thread here).

But the crux of the matter is that LWD are in business to make money, and making the most people possible happy (even at the expense of alienating a vocal minority) is one way to do that. The survey results showed that the calendar supporters were a vocal major minority (enough to get it into the top 5, but not enough to get it in the top 3).

As a long-time user, I was here for the "dark times" when we were waiting for Early Access (which was delayed a full quarter or more from the original Kickstarter timeframe) and didn't learn anything substantive. I've seen what unexpected delays do to this user group. It's divisive, and not pretty. However, LWD have delivered, and generally blown all expectations away.

So, really, IF journals, web access, and the content market all work to schedule, THEN calendars will deliver, and will be great. If I had to take a stab in the dark, latter half of 2015, possibly early 2016. I have no real insight, here, other than knowing that the content market is monetisable (and therefore really high priority) and journals and web access are in the background code already so are "just" a matter of tidying up and switching on. Then come calendars, which will take some serious dedicated time to get right.

As usual I will caution patience. It's all I can do.

Chief Calendar Champion Chemlak

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