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Old January 31st, 2015, 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by ibecker View Post
I feel the same. The more I use Realm Works, the more I like it - by and large, I think it's a great project, and it's getting better all the time.

Despite all that, to me, the ability to get my data out of the program is essential. I've been in the IT industry for 16+ years, and vendor lock-in gives me nightmares.

However, for now I'm willing to put my faith in LWD's assurances that the export capability will be added. Rob, Liz, & company are clearly working hard (even heroically, compared to other software development companies) to keep us involved in the process of development, and I think that they're doing an excellent job. From my perspective, they've earned a bit of faith.

You and I could sit upon the ground and tell sad tales of the death of kings. I am sure for weeks on end. However in my time I have learned to oft see the rotten apples in a barrel before jumping in and being a part of it. I see no such thing here, in fact so far? My experience has been nothing but positive with LWD and its community.

That started with Hero Lab and is extended here to Realm Works. So like you I have faith that eventually someday my work can be exported, so it does not even resonate with me as a big deal right now, as I am committed to using RW/HL/D20Pro for my foreseeable future, thus it will stay in there regardless.

Exmortis aka "Scott"
RW - Needs Rez spell
HL - Game Master/Designer
RPG Tools - Campaign Cartographer 3+, D20 Pro Ultimate
Real Life - IT Security
Hobby - Anything on water or ATV
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