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Old January 31st, 2015, 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Laruuk View Post
+1 for Printing and Exporting!
Given the survey reports and their response to it, it looks like any form of data export is pretty much off the table for Realm Works, unfortunately. That pretty much kills the product for me.

I would be happy to get a simple downloadable data dump of the database tables for my realms. I can work with that. That would be quick and simple to implement - I have done it for corporate clients who work with third-party product databases. They could just put in a "dump and download my data" button that runs a couple of SQL scripts. If it's all in XML, it's even easier - just put in a "ZIP up my XML files and download them" button.

Unfortunately, until there's some method for backing up my data in a form that I can access, I'm just not willing to use the product. Promises that the data would be made available if the company went under are all well and good, but nobody knows what can happen in the future. I've been burned too many times in the past.
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