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Old January 30th, 2015, 05:34 PM
Our January release brings a variety of improvements to the purchasing system, thanks to the people who helped us to test this earlier in the month! We also have a 3rd party book, and Paizo's new Familiar folio available!

New Releases!
  • Content from Familiar Folio is now available as part of the Pathfinder Player's Companion #18 package.
  • Content from Legendary Games' Gothic Campaign Compendium is now available as a standalone package for 14.99!

Special Thanks
  • Thanks to Tim Shadow (ShadowChemosh) for donating 30 new or updated spell adjustments!
  • Thanks to bstandke for providing us with many new adjustments!

Enhancements &amp Changes
  • The new Core Campaign option for Pathfinder Society is now supported. To create a Core Campaign character, in the "Pathfinder Society" section of the Hero Settings, choose "Pathfinder Society Core Campaign Character". You do not need to turn off all the other books that are not allowed in Core Campaign - instead, I recommend using the "Everything/Only Valid" selector at the top of the selection menus to hide all the dis-allowed items.
  • Added player content from Pathfinder #90 "The Divinity Drive".
  • Enhancements have been made to the purchase mechanics such that is no longer necessary to use a Set button when changing purchased quantities or the abilities of a custom built item. Instead, the price charged should automatically update.
  • Purchases of things using coins you don't currently possess should no longer be rejected, unless the total value of the purchase exceeds the value of all coins on the character.
  • There are now several buttons you can select when buying something for BP, Prestige, or money. "Free" still functions the same, causing nothing to be spent when adding the item. Crafted only appears for gear and magic items, it causes a reduced price to be spent when adding the item (generally 1/2 for magic gear, 1/3 for everything else) and also flags an item as crafted for the purposes of character wealth calculations. "Custom" makes several edit controls appear through which the user can choose the amount of money to spend when purchasing these items.
  • Vanities can now be purchased for a custom amount of Prestige, and when deleting them you can choose to return some or all of the Prestige spent to any faction on the hero.
  • When selling an item purchased after this update, the initial amount paid should be displayed. For previously bought items, the amount displayed is the full value.
  • Spell lattices can now be built custom, with the chosen spell showing on the Spells tab and subtracting charges from a parent class when cast.
  • Several spell adjustments have been added or updated. Special thanks to ShadowChemosh and user bstandke.
  • There is now a Custom Trait option, which functions most similar to the Custom Feat option. You can add it as a placeholder and give it any name you like, but it will not have mechanical effects. You must also select the category the trait counts as.
  • The stock portfolios included with the data files are significantly smaller, so the data files should now download around 40% faster.
  • The Living Saint Mythic Path is now included as part of the Deep Magic package!
  • There is now a category of gear called "Books, Tomes, and Grimoires" which consolidates various written gear items like spellbooks, the Prophesies of Kalistrade, and the new Grimoires from the Gothic Campaign Compendium.
  • The Other Adjustments table has been subdivided into categories for better sorting of certain types of adjustments.

Bug Fixes
  • Human ethnicities that were printed in both the Dragon Empires Gazetter and the Dragon Empires Primer were missing the source for the Dragon Empires Primer.
  • The technomancy spell was not availabe to bards.
  • The undead slayer's toolkit was missing a sunrod.
  • The Vanguard Slayer archetype's Tactician Feats were incorrectly displaying Combat feats instead of only Teamwork ones.
  • Maguses with the Eldritch Scion archetype were still displaying the 0th level spells from their old spellbook in character sheet printouts.
  • Maguses with both Eldritch Scion and Kapenia Dancer archetypes were not using Charisma for their Canny Defense.
  • Swashbucklers were not able to add Panache feats as bonus feats.
  • Wizards with the Exploiter archetype which take the School Understanding exploit to re-add one of their schools were incorrectly getting secondary spell slots for that school.
  • The Slashing Grace feat was not able to be selected by the Martial Versatility feat. Note that our interpretation of Martial Versatility is that it allows you to treat the chosen feat as making every valid selection within the same fighter weapon group but does not change any other limitations on what is valid to be selected. Thus, if you have chosen longsword for Slashing Grace (which is a one handed slashing weapon), Martial versatility would extend the effects to a Scimitar (also a valid selection for Slashing Grace) but not to other heavy blades like the greatsword (which is 2 handed and thus not selectable by Slashing Grace normally).
  • The Primal Transformation Hunter archetype was not allowing the animal companion to take the Improved Natural Armor evolution more than once, regardless of being high enough level to take it additional times.
  • The Grippli's Toxic Skin ART and Alchemist Discovery were not calculating the DC of the poison based on total HD.
  • The Underfoot Adept Monk archetype was not replacing the High Jump class ability.
  • The Haniver Gremlin race incorrectly had 143 racial hit dice.
  • Item Powers were showing their parent weapon as equipped, so they were always disabling themselves.
  • ARTs with selectors were always showing those selectors on the In-Play tab.
  • The Fiendish Facade feat was missing its situational.
  • The Silent Watcher trait was missing its situational.
  • The Motherless trait was missing its situational.
  • The Superior Clutch trait was applying an untyped bonus to damage, rather than a trait bonus.
  • The Reckless Aim feat was applying an untyped bonus to attack, rather than a competence bonus.
  • Investments were throwing an error based on a field they did not possess.
  • In some cases, the mythic tab could push things off the bottom of the screen without showing a scroll bar.
  • The Powder Horn gear item was able to hold anything, rather than only black powder.
  • Pearls of Power, when stacked, still only showed a single charge on the In-Play tab.
  • Armies were showing 9999 Psionic Power Points on the Basics summary tab.
  • The Titan Mauler Barbarian archetype's Jotungrip ability was not functioning when activated.
  • The Daughter of Urgathoa's Domains racial ability was not adding the domain spells to the racial cleric spellcasting.
  • The Calistrian Courtesan trait was missing a selector for which skill should be made a class skill.
  • Ratfolk were not proficient with tailblades.
  • The Doctor's Mask and Doctor's Outfit gear items from Curse of the Crimson Throne were missing the Adventurer's Armory source.
  • Armor spikes were not showing as proficient for Brawlers.
  • Several Spell Adjustments for spells from Deep Magic were showing in the Other Adjustment table instead!
  • Several Adjustments for rituals from Chronicle of the Righteous were showing in the Other Adjustment table instead of the Conferred ability adjustment table!
  • A race and a racial ability had incorrectly been marked as part of the Community files.
  • Several Drawbacks were applying their effects even when disabled.
  • Psionic Powers were generating an error if the program had enabled debugging.
  • Kingdom Adjustments were being shown for normal characters.
  • The Rune Mastery Feat was not addable multiple times.
  • The Meta words from Deep Magic were missing their spell classes.
  • The Elemental Master archetype's Elemental Focus ability was incorrectly able to select "Aether" as an element..
  • The Divine Hunter archetypes Otherworldly Companion ability was not granting the celestial/fiendish templates to the animal companion.
  • The Soul Warden PrC had a medium BAB progression, instead of a poor BAB progression.
  • The Estimated CR summary panel was cutting off the top portion of the text in some cases.
  • The Equipment Chooser picks were able to be added in place of weapons.
  • The Crossblooded Sorcerer archetype was not correctly hiding spells when those spells were associated with a mutant bloodline.
  • The Manifest Heaven Spirit ability was not using Intelligence for the save bonus when added to a Spirit Talker Wizard.
  • The Ability Increase eidolon evolutions were not reacting correctly to being disabled.
  • The Primal Companion hunter archetype was not showing Ability Increase evolutions as available for selection with their animal companion.
  • The Clouded Vision oracle curse was not counting 1/2 levels other than oracle for some of its vision based abilities.
  • Arcane Familiars were being sorted into two separate lists, one after the other.

Last edited by Colen; January 30th, 2015 at 06:47 PM.
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