Thread: Messages?
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Old January 28th, 2015, 07:15 PM
Joe, 3 & 4 is helpful, but I don't feel that 1 & 2 work.

For #1 the font for the number is very thin and the size is equally very small so you can't see the difference between green and black. If the numbers were bigger and bold then the colors might be distinguishable. However, what about someone who is color blind or in dim light? Black and green will look similar in both cases.

For #2 the icon is a little more noticeable than the numbers, but you still have an issue with the color like #1. It's also not very noticeable or I would have realized which message was the unread message.

You might look at different email programs to see how they differentiate between read and unread. It needs to pop, to say, "Hey, you haven't read this message yet!" You have plenty of room with the envelope so I would increase the size of the icon. I would not use the colored number because it just doesn't work. I would also change the color, maybe red which would catch the eye and say, "Hey, you haven't read this message yet!"

That's my $.02.
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