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Old January 15th, 2015, 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Dark Lord Galen View Post
Sorry AEIOU, Farling has the order correct.

To my knowledge, there is nothing in the "backup file" that ties it to the user account (Rob, one of his minion would have to clarify). IF there is not, then "might be" a cumbersome workaround for a few months till the marketplace takes off....
When you first create a realm you have to be online, this is so that the cloud server can provide your realm with a unique id.

Thus, trying to share the backup file is not going to work between different people's realms.

The only way your scenario could possibly work is for DM1 to sync changes with the cloud, provide you with his master.realm for you to add your own local changes. You would provide the updated master.realm back to the DM1 and _he_ would then sync your changes back to the cloud again.
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