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Old January 14th, 2015, 09:13 PM
Until all the data is stored in the cloud all the time, I can't think of a good way to easily implement a checkout process.

However, I can't see any reason not to allow multiple GMs per realm right now. Warn them of the consequences and then click six little buttons that say "I've read this warning" and then type the phrase: "I understand that data WILL be lost if another GM saves over material that they had not synched prior to making changes."

If DLG and I teamed up, he'd be working on calendars and I'd be working on getting material ready for export. He'd save his work to the cloud first because he's smarter than me. And I'd save over his work later that evening.

I win!..errr, I mean that's OUR problem because we both worked on the data at the same time and we understood that this was a no-no. We should haveo coordinated our efforts more effectively or we should have figured out which one of us had the more important data.
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