Thread: Reveal for GM
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Old November 28th, 2014, 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Silveras View Post
As I recall, LW was a bit surprised at how much interest there was for "per-character" revelation.
Which is surprising on my end, as the level of information between the players (equalt to character in that case) is sometimes enormously different. Last session I GMed, the different players put a lot of attention to many different things. So for example, the whole group encountered a female NPC, happening to be an ancient Being from greek Mythology. Only one player actually was aware enough to note down here name, as it was mentioned in a conversation between her and another NPC. So if in that case, I reveal the NPC by her name, I would provide that information to the whole group instead of just the player who noted it down.

With indivudal reveal per player it would be possible for me to reveal the name of this NPC to the one player who noted it down and combined with the OPs idea I could reveal the general NPC as known to the group as a whole.

Maybe it would be possible in that situation, when you flag such information as being encountered by the group, that RW reveals it (or part of it) without actually showing the content.

So for example, when you flag the NPC "Alecto" as encountered, all players would see in their PE an entry that only shows the tags "Human" and "Female", leaving the actual name blank and only the player who noted her name would also get to see the actual name.

Hope that makes kind of sense

To sum up:

+1 for individual player reveal
+1 for the idea of this topic to flag encountered story elements without actually revealing all of their content
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